Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The iPhone app that lets you see your friends naked

People need many things right now, but surely nothing more than the ability to spontaneously see through the clothing of another.
You know this is true. So do the other-oriented folks at Presselite. For they want you to share their pride in an application creation called Nude It, which was approved by the Apple store Komsomol Tuesday.
Antoine Morcos, co-founder of Presselite, admitted in a press release that the creators' inspiration in the development of this astounding technology came from the WhoIsTheBaldGuyBlog. I have embedded a YouTube video in order to give you some relief from feeling that you inhabit a strange planet called Nexus One.
In essence, the pleasure you will get from Nude It may well rival what you felt when you were 7 and took a gullible elementary school pupil into the restroom, placed their head in the toilet bowl, and asked them if they've ever seen the blue goldfish.
I can sense your cheeks twitching with anticipation as to how one might use the Nude It app. Well, the instructions tell me that you point your iPhone at a friend, or someone who is about to be a former friend, from a distance of less than 6.5 feet.
The scanning technology will then reveal to you every last mole on your victim's ribcage, as well as every last goose bump of their excitement.
This is what they call nude? Sigh.
(Credit: Presselite)
The makers do warn that you should clearly see your subject's face on the screen before you activate their embarrassment.
I am concerned, though, by the images that Presselite has included as an example. You see, they show that Nude It merely reveals people in their underpants. The general method males use for this purpose is to find a lady friend with whom they can wander into any of the increasingly liberal changing rooms of our major retail stores.
Still, I know many of you will be rushing to experience this new tool and that several of you will soon have pressing appointments with your Human Resources department.